filtering and segmentation

Commands: PrePro, FilterNetFile, FiltNeuroscanFiles, FiltBdfFiles, TransNetGeoHist, NeuroScanToEgis, TransMsiContSess, CalcAutoEditMat, CalcAutoEditMEGMat, TransRawTaw, TransBdfBdt, emesgsreadbdfmarker

Filtering and segmentation can be done manually, using scripts like Batch.mthat call 'FilterNetFile', or, or by using 'PrePro' user interface.

Filtering and segmentation using PrePro
PrePro, when started, is disabled, and waits for you to open a data file, or to load a batchfile containing paths of datafiles. Datafiles must have the same format (EGI, EGI (E1), Neuroscan,BDF, EDF or BTI) and the same sampling rate and the same number of channels. After succesfully loading a file, the number of  channels and the sampling rate are displayed in the upper right corner. For EGI sensor configurations, there are predefined eye movement and -blink sensor configurations that can be selected from the 'Net' dropdown box. PrePro selects the proper sensor net automatically, if your raw data file names contain the keywords '.GSN.' and '.HC1.' for old style geodesic sensor nets or hydro-cell sensor nets respectively. For instance the datafile with 129 channels 'Test01.GSN.RAW' will be automatically selected for Net "GSN 129", and VEOG/HEOG and blink sensors will be set accordingly.

Filters: After loading a file, you can activate and configure highpass, lowpass and stopband filters by enabling their radio-buttons. Initially you have to configure every filter, that you enable. An example of the filter configure dialog is given below (click to enlarge). The graph displays the attenuation of the signal (blue line) caused by the filter in  dezibel for the range of frequencies. The default setting for a lowpass-filter as in the example below, consists of an attentuation of the stopband (frequencies above 50 Hz) of at least 45 dB (which means that amplitudes are a not greater than the ten-thousandth part of their original values), and a negligable attenuation of the passband (frequencies below 40 Hz; amplitudes decrease not below about three fourths of their original value). The desired stopband and passband attenuation are displayed as green lines, and can be changed, just as the cut-off frequencies, to design other filters. Similar  filter design  dialogs  are available for highpass and stopband filters.

Eyeblink and -movement correction
When activated, this module offers you the choice of three separate submodules, the blink correction, the horizontal eyemovement correction and the vertical eyemovement correction. All three are based on the algorithm proposed by Gratton, Coles and Donchin (1982). At the present stage, this algorithm is tested only for EGI data, and the default sensors chosen as Blinksensors, VEOG-sensors and HEOG-sensors are only correct for EGI systems!!!!
To run the blink correction, you have to create a mat-file, containing a typical blink ( a 'blinkfile') for every datafile you are analyzing before you can start the preprocessing. This is done in emegs2d, using the 'EgisContinuous'-dataformat (again this option is only available for EGI data so far). Select this dataformat from the menu \file\data format\Egis Continuous and open a *.RAW-file using the 'Open Dataset'-button. EMEGS then searches for the corresponding *.ZERO- , *.GAIN- and *.HIST-files and reads their content to display calibrated amplitudes and trigger events. Once the continuous data is displayed, click the 'mouse'-button on the emegs2d-menu and leftclick on the datawindow. A grey surface will appear. Scroll to a typical blink using the cursor point slider and move the grey surface symmetrically over the blink. You can either drag it, or recreate it in a propper position, by leftclicking at the start point ( has to be outside the surface ), and dragging the mouse to its desired end point. The center of the surface will be taken as blink maximum in the correction algorithm, therefore it is important to make the selection symmetrical to the blink peak. Then rightclick on the grey surface (preferably at the top of the datawindow to avoid other objects under the mouse) and select 'write blinkfile'. You are then prompted with a butterfly-plot of the blink, to allow you to check your chosen intervall. Select 'ok' and accept the suggested name for the blink file (corresponding the *.RAW-filename with the *.blk-extension). If you give it a different name or choose to save it in a different folder than the folder containing the *.RAW-file, EMEGS will not find it later on!!!

The correction is done on data epochs stored in the E1-file, to allow subtraction of the event-related EOG before correction (see the Gratten & Coles paper). If you wish to compare the non-corrected and the corrected trials, open the E1.original-file and the E1-file using the Egis session-dataformat in emegs2d, and select the trials listed in the >>*E1.Blinktrials.txt << (these are the trials which blinks were found in).

Amplifier calibration: This options is only available for EGI data. Neuroscan data is analyzed presuming all GAINS to be 1 and all ZEROS to be , BDF amplifier calibration is read from the data file. For EGI-data, you can one specific set of GAIN and ZEROs, that will be used for all files, or have PrePro search for a GAIN and ZERO for every data file in the batch separately. This is done simply by using the filename, so be sure, to have consistent filenaming.

Segmentation: By entering numbers in the PreTrig and PostTrig boxes, you can define how many points will be taken before each event and how many after. Events: The default behaviour in PrePro segmets your data for every kind of event it encounters. If you do not like this, you can activate the 'use only'-box and enter numbers, corresponding the trigger values that you wish to use. All others will be ignored. If you want to subdivide events into halfs/thirds/fourths etc, check the 'subdivide event'radiobutton and enter the desired denominator.

Artifact detection: PrePro automatically chooses the entire extracted intervall, to calculate statistical parameters, that afterwards are used for artifact detection. If you wish to use only a certain part of the intervall for this purpose, you can define separate PreTrig- and PostTrig-points for artifact detection. Generally a longer intervall is more likely to contain artifacts, thus leading to less good trials.

MiscellaneousThe option 'skip step if file exists' lets you avoid repeating one step if it already has been performed and procuded a result file. This can save you time, but will cause a crash in the case that an incomplete or corrupted file exists.  'One step for all' vs. 'All steps for one' refers only to batch processing, and specifies wether PrePro will perform one step (for instance the segmentation) for all files in the batch before going one with the next step. Otherwise, all steps will be performed for one file, and then all steps for the next etc. The latter is generelly preferable for long batches, that you do not want to crash half way through. Thus, if a problem occurs on one file, PrePro will still get the other files right, assuming that you checked the 'continue with next file if error'-option.  This latter option makes only sense for batch processing and works more specifically only for the 'all steps for one'-type. In this case, if an error occurs on one file, PrePro jumps to the next file in the batch.

All settings including the filematrix can be saved and loaded using the menu \File\Default File.

Manual filtering and segmentation
Manual preprocessing using a custom script or using the command line can be done as shown in the file 'Batch.m'. This is intended to be a standard preprocessing script, that you can adopt to your specific demands.

Generally, filtering a raw-data-file saves the filtered data in a new file, adding filter-dependant characters to the filename. A lowpass 40Hz filter, for instance, transform the file '01.run1.taw' to 01.run1.fl40.taw'. To filter data files, you can use the scripts 'GetLowFiltCoeff', GetHighFiltCoeff', 'GetHighLowFiltCoeff' and 'GetStopFiltCoeff' to design the filters and then use 'FilterNetFile', 'FiltNeuroscanFiles', FiltTransNeuroscanFiles' and 'FilterStopNetFile' to do the actual filtering.

To cut continuous data files into trials, use 'TransNetGeoHist' (EGI-format), 'NeuroscanToEgis' (Neuroscan-format) or TransMsiContSess (BTI-format). The trials will be saved in an *.E1-file (EGI) or in a *.ses-file (Neuroscan & BTI). Trigger information will be written in a *.CON file (for all formats).

File types

EGI Format: EGI data files have to be exported using the netstation software, so you end up with a set of 5 files per run (*.RAW,*.HIST,*.ZERO,*.GAIN,*.IMP). The RAW-file is then transformed (pointwise sorting is tranformed to channelwise sorting) into a TAW-file that contains the same data. This file in turn is used for filtering, resulting in a modified TAW-file, for instance *.fl40.TAW for a 40Hz lowpass filtering. During segmentation in 'TransNetGeoHist' the trials are saved in an *.E1 file, containing all trials including artifacts and broken channels. A *.CON file is generated containing the trigger information for each trial. Statistical parameters used for artifact correction and calculated in 'CalcAutoEditMat' are saved in an *.AEM and an *.AEM.AR-file (AEM signifies Auto-Edit-Matrix, AR stands for average reference), flat or corrupted sensors are listed in a *.Xest-file (with X replaced by your number of channels). Editing the data using 'EditAEM' creates two new files: a *.WE-file and a *.TVM-file, both containing good and bad trials and channels. During averaging using 'EmegsAVG', bad sensors in the trials from the *.E1-files are interpolated and trials are averaged based an the *.WE-files, your sensor configuration file (*.ecfg), and the *.CON file, resulting in a set of 3 files for each condition: an *.APPx-file, containing only good and approximated trials of the condition x, a corresponding *.ix file, listing the indices of the good trials for this condition, and an *.atx file, containing the averaged waveform.

Neuroscan Format: Neuroscan *.cnt data files have to be filtered using 'FiltNeuroscanFiles', resulting in a modified cnt-file, for instance *.f.cnt. During segmentation in 'Neuroscan2Egis' the trials are saved in an *.ses file, containing all trials including artifacts and broken channels. A *.CON file is generated containing the trigger information for each trial. Statistical parameters used for artifact correction and calculated in 'CalcAutoEditMat' are saved in an *.AEM and an *.AEM.AR-file (AEM signifies Auto-Edit-Matrix, AR stands for average reference), flat or corrupted sensors are listed in a *.Xest-file (with X replaced by your number of channels). Editing the data using 'EditAEM' creates two new files: a *.WE-file and a *.TVM-file, both containing good and bad trials and channels. During averaging using 'EmegsAVG', bad sensors in the trials from the *.ses-files are interpolated and trials are averaged based an the *.WE-files, your sensor configuration file (*.ecfg), and the *.CON file, resulting in a set of 3 files for each condition: an *.APPx-file, containing only good and approximated trials of the condition x, a corresponding *.ix file, listing the indices of the good trials for this condition, and an *.atx file, containing the averaged waveform.

BDF Format:  From the raw BDF-file, the status channel is initially analyzed for non-zero values. These values are written with there begin and end time to a *.HIST file, that is later used for extracting data epochs. The raw BDF-file is  transformed (recordwise sorting is tranformed to channelwise sorting) into a BDT-file that contains the same data. This file in turn is used for filtering, resulting in a modified BDT-file,  *.f.BDT after filtering. During segmentation in 'Bdf2Egis' the trials are saved in an *.ses file, containing all trials including artifacts and broken channels. A *.CON file is generated containing the trigger information for each trial. Statistical parameters used for artifact correction and calculated in 'CalcAutoEditMat' are saved in an *.AEM and an *.AEM.AR-file (AEM signifies Auto-Edit-Matrix, AR stands for average reference), flat or corrupted sensors are listed in a *.Xest-file (with X replaced by your number of channels). Editing the data using 'EditAEM' creates two new files: a *.WE-file and a *.TVM-file, both containing good and bad trials and channels. During averaging using 'EmegsAVG', bad sensors in the trials from the *.ses-files are interpolated and trials are averaged based an the *.WE-files, your sensor configuration file (*.ecfg), and the *.CON file, resulting in a set of 3 files for each condition: an *.APPx-file, containing only good and approximated trials of the condition x, a corresponding *.ix file, listing the indices of the good trials for this condition, and an *.atx file, containing the averaged waveform.

BTI Format: BTI data files, at the present stage, have to be noisecorrected, cardiaccorrected and filtered externally. EMEGS scripts for this are not yet available.
During segmentation in 'TransMsiContSess', the trials are saved in a *.ses file. A *.CON file is generated containing the trigger information for each trial. Statistical parameters used for artifact correction and calculated in 'CalcAutoEditMEGMat' are saved in an *.AEM -file (AEM signifies Auto-Edit-Matrix). Editing the data using 'EditAEM' creates the *.WE-file, containing good and bad trials and channels. During averaging using 'EmegsAVG', bad sensors in the trials from the *.ses-files are interpolated and trials are averaged based an the *.WE-files, your sensor configuration file (*.ecfg), and the *.CON file, resulting in a set of 3 files for each condition: an *.APPx-file, containing only good and approximated trials of the condition x, a corresponding *.ix file, listing the indices of the good trials for this condition, and an *.atx file, containing the averaged waveform.


Gratton, G., Coles, M.G.H. & Donchin, E. (1982). A new method for off-line removal of ocular artifact. Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology, 1983, 55: 468-484.