sensor configurations

Commands: ReadEConfig, SaveEConfig

sensor coordinates: Sensor positions im emegs are defined as spherical coordinates. These are given as two angles, theta and phi that are measured from the upward (z) axes as shown in the graph below. Note that this does not correspond the MATLAB definition of spherical coordinates, therefore standard MATLAB coordinate conversions (sph2cart or cart2sph) will not work. Use change_sphere_cart instead.

You can display a loaded sensor configuration using the command \View\View sensor config from emegs2d-menu. The picture below shows a EGI 129 channels sensor configuration.

sensor configuration files: Sensor configuration files in emegs are binary files ( use the functions ReadEConfig and SaveEConfig to read and save this file type), stored in the folder \emegs2.1\emegs2dUtil\SensorCfg\. To determine which of these configuration files to load, emegs looks up a list of configuration file, stored in the  textfile \emegs2.1\emegs2dUtil\ViewDefault\DefaultEcfg.txt  and takes from this list the first filename, that contains the needed number of channels in the filename. Thus if a configuration file for 129 channels is needed, and the DefaultEcfg.txt-file contains the following:

% This file lists the electrode configuration files in
% the order you want them to be searched.
% You can edit this file to use a different configuration without
% renaming the configuration files.
257.ecfg ...

then emegs will load the file \emegs2.1\emegs2dUtil\SensorCfg\ 129.ecfg  to display the data.  This file would also be taken, if the entry would be named SConfig129.ecfg or 129XXXX.ecfg, as long as the number of channels is found in the filename. For the standard planar display of a multichannel sensor array, these positions are projected on a plane using the transformation:

    PlanePositionsX = norm_1((EPosSpher(:,1).*cos(EPosSpher(:,2)))',1)';
    PlanePositionsY = norm_1((EPosSpher(:,1).*sin(EPosSpher(:,2)))',1)';

where EPosSpher is a NChannels X 2 -Vector containing the Theta angle in the first column, and the Phi angle in the second column.

sensor configuration dependant leadfield coefficients:  the calculation of spherical spline interpolations (used in artefact editing and 3d plotting), laplacians, cortical Maps and l2-min.-norms (used for source localization) depend on leadfield calculations, which again depend on your sensor configuration. In order to minimize calculation time emegs3d saves calculated leadfield coefficients in the emegs3dCoeff40 as well as emegs3dInvCoeff folder. Prior leadfield calculation emegs3d checks for possibly existing coefficient files for the particular sensor configuration in these folders and reads them in, instead of calculating them again. Therefore, you must not name different sensor configurations identically. The program would use the original existing (now wrong) coefficients, as it is not able to check if the sensor configuration were changed. In case you would like to keep sensor configuration names and change the configuration you have to delete all corresponding leadfield coefficient files in the folders mentioned above. Leadfield coefficient file names contain the configuration names e.g Scalp_129_32_15 corresponds to the sensor configuration 129.ecfg. The files DLoc_*.* in folder Emegs3dInvCoeff contain the inverse leadfield dipole positions and must not be deleted.