
T-Test are available from the Emegs2d 'Calculate\T-Test\'-Menu. You can choose between one sample, two sample and paired t-test. Special cases of these are the restricted paired t-test, which defines a minimum criterium for significant points to be displayed in terms of a minimum of significant neighbour channels and a minimum number of significant subsequent time points. Symmetry tests (needs to be written)...

For all of these tests, you need a textfile, listing the paths of the average SCADS files, that you wish to use for calculation.  Paths can be listed in blocked or in alternating order, in corresponding pair order for the paired t-test types. The results will be displayed as t-values for all channels and time points. To save the analysis to disk, choose e.g. 'Emegs2d\Export\Actual Dataset\SCADS format'.

T-Tests so far can only be calculated for equal cell sizes, therefore you have to specifiy an equal number of average file paths for each condition.